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Rik Wouters

Fauvist painting by Rik Wouters

Jean Timmermans

Expressionist painting by Jean Timmermans

Lucien Frank

Impressionist painting by Lucien Frank


Expressionist painting by Anto-Carte

Alfred Smith

Romantic painting by Alfred Smith

Henri Thomas

Portrait of a woman by Henri Thomas

Jean Jacques Gailliard

Fauvist painting by Jean Jacques Gailliard

Victor Leclercq

Expressionist painting by Victor Leclercq

Pieter Oyens

Romantic painting

Ferdinand Schirren

Fauve painting by Ferdinand Schirren

Marthe Guillain

Fauve painting by Marthe Guillain

Piet Volckaert

Impressionist painting by Piet Volckaert

Auguste Mambour

Expressionist painting by Auguste Mambour

Hélène Kwiatkowska

Fauve portrait by Hélène Kwiatkowska

Julien Celos

Impressionist painting by Julien Celos

Alfred Ost

Oriental watercolor on paper by Alfred Ost

Georges Van Raemdonck

Impressionist painting by George Van Raemdonck

Alfred Ost

Watercolor on paper by Alfred Ost

Edgard Tytgat

Watercolor on paper by Edgard Tytgat

Jean-Michel Folon

Drawing by Foulon

Anto Carte

Gravure rehaussée de Anto Carte

Gabriel Godard

Expressionist painting by Gabriel Godard

Louis Thevenet

Fauve painting by Louis Thevenet

Ernest Godfrinon

Expressionist painting by Ernest Godfrinon

Jean Van den Eeckhoudt

Impressionist painting by Jean Van den Eeckhoudt

Alfons De Cuyper

Expressionist painting by Alfons De Cuyper

Armand Bouten

Expressionist painting by Armand Bouten

Armand Bouten

Expressionist painting by Armand Bouten

René Magritte

Portrait by René Magritte

Francis Bacon

Litho by Francis Bacon

Théo Bitter

Expressionist painting by Théo Bitter

Jef Van Tuerenhout

Expressionist painting by Jef Van Tuerenhout

Théo Bitter

Nieuwe Haagse School

Gustave Flasschoen


attributed to Frans Van Holder


Ernest Godfrinon

Impressionist painting by Ernest Godfrinon of a girl picking flowers

Charles Baude

Orientalist painting by Charles Baude of the Arab port

Maurice Meynart

Impressionist, fauvist self-portrait by Maurice Meynart

Edward Cucuel

Romantic painting by Edward Cucuel of the casino of Monte-Carlo

Roméo Dumoulin

Expressionist paperwork by Roméo Dumoulin of a barber

Victor Creten

Impressionist painting by Victor Creten of Parc de Versailles

Victor Leclercq

Expressionist painting by Victor Leclercq of "Le village"

Willem Paerels

Fauvist painting by Willem Paerels of the port of Blankenberge

Willem Paerels

Impressionist, fauvist painting by Willem Paerels of a lady leaning on the bed

William Aguet

Expressionist painting by William Aguet of a mountain view

William Aguet

Expressionist painting by William Aguet of a landscape

William Degouve de Nuncques

Impressionist, Les Vingt painting by William Degouve de Nuncques called "Étangs de Boitsfort"

Willy Finch

Impressionist, Les Vingt painting by Willy Finch of a seascape

Yvonne Vonnot-Viollet

Impressionist painting by Yvonne Vonnot-Viollet of a village

Médard Maertens

Fauvist painting by Médard Maertens of papa Laurent

Médard Maertens

Impressionist, fauvist painting by Médard Maertens by a lady

Paul Goddyn

Romantic painting by Paul Goddyn of a florist

Paul Hagemans

Expressionist painting by Paul Hagemans of a lady with people in the background

Paul Joostens

Expressionist painting by Paul Joostens of Mary

Paul Leroy

Romantic painting by Paul Leroy of rocks in Biarritz

Paul Maas

Expressionist painting by Paul Maas of Knokke-Heist

Paul Mathieu

Impressionist, luminist painting by Paul Mathieu of the Meuse

Rachel Baes

Expressionist painting by Rachel Baes of a flower bouquet

Raphaël De Buck

Expressionist painting by Raphaël De Buck of ladies bathing in the sun

Raymond Crétot-Duval

Orientalist painting by Raymond Crétot-Duval

Raymond Dierickx

Expressionist painting by Raymond Dierickx called "Les amis"

René De Coninck

Expressionist painting by René De Coninck of a beach scene

René De Pauw

Impressionist painting by René De Pauw of a flower bouquet

Richard Baseleer

Impressionist painting by Richard Baseleer of a "Marine"

Richard Ranft

Expressionist painting by Richard Ranft of a crowded cafe

Robert Brackman

Expressionist painting by Robert Brackman of two sisters

Rodolphe De Saegher

Impressionist painting by Rodolphe De Saegher of a landscape at the Côte d'Azur

Roméo Dumoulin

Expressionist paperwork by Roméo Dumoulin of cats

Roméo Dumoulin

Expressionist paperwork by Roméo Dumoulin of a Parisian restaurant

Théo Bitter

Expressionist painting by Théo Bitter of five men

Théodoor Verschaeren

Expressionist painting by Théodoor Verschaeren of a violist holding a flower bouquet

Jean Brusselmans

Impressionist painting by Jean Brusselsmans of a farm with fields in the background

Jef De Pauw

Impressionist painting by Jef De Pauw called "Promenade"

Jef De Pauw

Impressionist painting by Jef De Pauw of "De Velle" in Temse

Jef De Pauw

Impressionist painting by Jef De Pauw of a spring landscape

John Gérard

Expressionist painting by John Gérard of the Ronde Van Vlaanderen

Jos Damien

Impressionist painting by Jos Damien of fieldflowers

Joseph François

Impressionist painting by Joseph François of a boulevard in the evening

Leo Bervoets

Expressionist painting by Leo Bervoets of two girl friends

Lucien Frank

Impressionist painting by Lucien Frank of a marine in the port of Barcelona

Léon Dardenne

Impressionist painting by Léon Dardenne of a heron flying over the river

Marc Fuchs

Orientalist painting by Marc Fuchs

Marius De Buzon

Orientalist painting by Marius De Buzon of a city surrounded by trees

Milo Ghobert

Impressionist painting by Milo Ghobert of field flowers

Modest Huys

Impressionist, School of Latem painting of farmers working in the field

Modest Huys

Impressionist, School of Latem painting of a village

Félix Labisse

Expressionist painting by Félix Labisse of people celebrating the Shabbat

Fernand Foin

Expressionist self-portrait by Fernand Foin

Fernand Lantoine

Expressionist painting by Fernand Lantoine of people on deck

Fernand Lantoine

Expressionist painting by Fernand Lantoine of Antibes La Guinguette

Frans Smeers

Impressionist painting by Frans Smeers of a beach scene

Frans Van Cuyck

Romantic painting by Frans Van Cuyck of poachers

Frantz Charlet

Orientalist painting by Frantz Charlet of a lady looking in the mirror

Félix Gogo

Impressionist painting by Félix Gogo of a city view

Gaston Haustraete

Impressionist painting by Gaston Haustraete of a lady in blue

Gaston Le Beuze

Expressionist painting by Gaston Le Beuze of people dancing

Gaston Pauwels

Expressionist painting by Gaston Pauwels using unique coloring

Gerard Barwolf

Impressionist painting by Gerard Barwolf of Place Pigalle in Paris

Guilherme d'Oliveira Marques

Congolese painting by Guilherme d'Oliveira Marques of Léopoldville

Guillaume Montobio

Impressionist painting by Guillaume Montobio of a landscape

Gustave Flasschoen

Expressionist painting by Gustave Flasschoen of luitenants looking under the sofa

Gustave Flasschoen

Expressionist painting by Gustave Flasschoen of drunk men in a wine cellar

Henri Evenepoel

Impressionist painting by Henri Evenepoel of a Flemish painter

Henri Moreau

Romantic painting by Henri Moreau of a reading lady

Hidden master

Expressionist painting by a hidden master of a flower bouquet

Hubert Malfait

Expressionist, School of Latem painting by Hubert Malfait of a winter landscape

Isidore Van Mens

Orientalist painting by Isidore Van Mens of Moulay Idriss, Maroc

Albert Saverys

Expressionist painting by Albert Saverys of the school of latem of the "Leielandschap"

Aloïs Boudry

Romantic painting by Aloïs Boudry of a woman peeling by the fire

André Leveillé

Expressionist painting by André Leveillé of men playing cards

Antoine Martinez

Expressionist painting by Antoine Martinez of a winter landscape

Armand Bouten

Expressionist painting by Armand Bouten of a couple and their baby

Armand Bouten

Expressionist painting by Armand Bouten of people dancing

Armand Bouten

Expressionist painting by Armand Bouten of a woman

Armand Rassenfosse

Expressionist painting by Armand Rassenfosse of a woman

Arthur Navez

Impressionist painting by Arthur Navez of a still life

Auguste-François Gorguet

Romantic painting by Auguste-François Gorguet of a dining scene

Camille Van Hyfte

Art naïf self-portrait by Camille Van Hyfte

Charles Verlat

Romantic painting by Charles Verlat of a woman bidding

Tim Brown

Art brut painting by Tim Brown of a dead dog

Dirk Smorenberg

Expressionist painting by Dirk Smorenberg of flowers

Edmond Jean Mezerette

Expressionist painting by Edmond Jean Mezerette of a schoolyard

Emile Baes

Orientalist painting by Emile Baes of Marrakesh, Morocco

Emile Hoeterickx

Impressionist painting by Emile Hoeterickx of people by the church

Emile Hoeterickx

Impressionist painting by Emile Hoeterickx of London

Emile Pottier

Romantic painting by Emile Pottier called "La retouche"

Ernest Marneff

Expressionist painting by Ernest Marneff of an exotic lady with flowers in her hair

Ernest Van Hoorde

Impressionist painting by Ernest Van Hoorde of Port-Vendres in France

Eugeen Van Mieghem

Social realist painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem of Augustine Pautre

Eugeen Van Mieghem

Expressionist painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem of the docks in Antwerp

Eugeen Van Mieghem

Social realist painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem of a girl

Eugeen Van Mieghem

Social realist painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem a beggar

Eugeen Van Mieghem

Social realist painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem of a man holding a rifle

Eugeen Van Mieghem

Expressionist painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem of Blankenberge

Eugène Van Hoof

Romantic painting by Eugène Van Hoof of men and their horses
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